Thursday, March 11, 2010


No, this isn't me. Hahaha.

Last week, I had my first "float." In St. Louis Park, there's this place called Rejoovme- a relaxation center. The float was an experience, for sure. They have these ginormous tubs that are filled with 93 degree water and 600 lbs of Epson salt. There is a big lid that you pull down over yourself, but the tub is huge, so I wasn't clausterphobic at all. You lay down, listen to ocean sounds and float. 1 hour of floating is worth four hours of sleep. Pretty amazing. I only paid for a 30 minute float and about half of that, I was trying to figure out how to relax. But I'm definitely going to do it again- next time for an hour.

Epson salt is a healing agent, too, so for any preggos with hemorroids (ahem), do it! However, as the picture of the skinny girl shows, this isn't a place just for pregnant women, although there are huge benefits to pregnant women.
PS. If you do go, please put my name down as a referral. If I get two referrals, I get a free float!

1 comment:

  1. It looks really cool(and I'm certain it is brilliant), but it kinda reminds me of those pod things they kept people in in the Matrix...
