Wednesday, June 9, 2010

8 weeks to go.

My pregnancy has been uneventful lately which is why I haven't posted anything. What's going on with pregnant Leah?:
* Vericose vein? Still there. Yuck.
* I'm eating ALL the time. Most of the time, it's healthy food, but I definitely have a treat or two a day in addition to all the healthy food. :)
* We are still not sure about the homebirth. It appeals to me in lots of ways, but the commotion of being at home makes it not a sure thing.
* For the pregnant women out there having leg cramps- I have found a miracle cure- Liquid Magnesium Calcium. It's amazing. I can now sleep more than an hour at a time!
* Lots and lots of braxton hix contractions throughout the day. These are just practice contractions- my body is gearing up!
* I really don't think my body can be stretched much more.
* Still no name for this baby girl. I can not wait to meet her!!
* As for my attitude?- I feel like I'm doing much better thanks to all the prayers on my behalf! I still get annoyed extremely easy and am tired a lot of the time. I took a nap yesterday and Cal said, "Oh good! Now you won't be as crabby!" So sad. But a little funny, too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Leah!
    I just wanted to let you know I've been thinking of you and praying for you... it sounds like things are just about where they should be (except for that blasted vericose vein!). I have had Katy say the same thing as Cal (when I was pregnant with Stevieboy)... I think I started crying- you have a much better sense of humor than I do! :) God bless you, my friend!
