Sunday, April 11, 2010

Isaac Steven- born 10.27.06

Isaac's birth story:

I was sure I wanted an epidural with Ike because my last epidural was so dang awesome. My due date was November 1st and I thought that I would go early because Calvin was so early. I had lots of contractions that resulted in nothing and the hospital kept sending me home after giving me a shot of tributalin (sp?).

And just a week before my due date, a contraction hit me stronger than anything I had yet felt and I was sweaty and out of breath. Eric walked in and said, "Is it time?" when he saw the look on my face. I said, "Yes, but I need to take a shower first. I'm all sweaty." That was my big mistake. It took so long to take a shower because the contractions were immediately close together and knocked me on the ground every time. By the time we got out the door to drop Calvin off with a friend, I was in tears from the pain and so angry that I had to sit in the car.

We got to the hospital and I yelled, "This is not a drill! Please get me an epidural!" After first checking me in at triage (6 cm dialated), then hooking me up to a water IV, they told me it would be another half hour before they could get me an epidural. I started crying again because I didn't think I could make it that long. After the water was in me, they ordered the anesthesiologist and he took his sweet time getting that needle in my back. I yelled, "I can still feel the pain!" They told me it takes about 20 minutes to kick in. It finally started feeling better but I could still feel all the contractions and my right side felt fuzzy and numb. 20 minutes later it was time to push- and I felt all of it. The doctor broke my water and Ike fell down to where I could see his head in the mirror. I pushed that big kid out in a contraction and a half. 8 lbs; 10 oz.

It was a total of 3 1/2 hours from first contraction to birth.