Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Since only ladies and my husband read this blog, and since this blog is supposed to be a honest story of this pregnancy, I have some disturbing information.

I have a vulva vericosity. That's right- a vericose vein is on my vulva. It arrived a couple weeks ago and in order to keep it from getting too inflamed and swollen, I have to eat blueberries every day. I also ordered this contraption, the V2 Supporter, to manage the pain: (No. It unfortunately does not come with the purple leotard)

Turned a Corner

I've officially turned a corner in my health. I hope. The past couple days have been different. I don't have to eat protein every hour and I don't feel pukey all day (sometimes for a bit at night, but that's it!). The bad news? Ike has croup and is up all night right now. Life is still hard because really- who doesn't need their sleep? But I'm looking forward to getting some sleep and feeling better at the same time. Aaah.

I have been showering almost daily. And I did shave.

Monday, February 15, 2010


So much to say, so little energy to do it. I'm still not feeling well even though I'm 15 weeks along. But I don't take the Zofran every day so that's good. I'm eating tons of protein- I'm supposed to be eating 80 grams a day, but usually am getting between 60 and 75. It's been tough since eating in general isn't very fun.

I had the flu on Saturday and spent the afternoon/evening barfing up everything I consumed- including 7-up. The flu combined with pregant-woman-needing-food-in-her-body added up to be quite miserable. Eric took care of the family and house while I layed in bed for the majority of 21 hours.

I've been "sleep-eating" as my friend's husband, Joe, put it. My midwife suggested that when I can't fall back asleep in the middle of the night, I should eat a pb sandwich. So now I have a tupperware next to my bed that I frequent regularly for a protein fix. I gotta say, it works! I hope it doesn't start a bad habit.

I'm starting to grow out of my clothes and am in an awkward stage- maternity clothes don't quite fit me, but my slutty tight regular pants are way too uncomfortable. So... fleece pants every day is working just fine for now.

I still want to put up Cal and Ike's birth stories. Soon.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Well, I've officially given up. I realized today that I haven't used a q-tip in weeks. And today, I got a compliment on my hair but I haven't washed it (or even gotten it wet) in probably three days. I'm disgusting. My leg hair is like a man's (and we won't even talk about the other area). I did, however, finally shave my pits since I wore a light yellow shirt and thought people may be able to see through it...
I have nail polish on my big toes from last summer.
Make-up? Psh.
And since I haven't showered, I truly haven't put on deodorant in days.

I just realized all this. I'm disgusting. I'm the smelly girl in class. And my friends are too kind to tell me.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Calvin the big brother

Calvin has been so sweet during this pregnancy. He is so excited about this next baby and talks about it all the time.

*Whenever he sees a baby toy, he asks if it's for the baby or says, "I bet the new baby will like this. We can save it."

*He cuddled with me the other day but quickly sat up after a second and asked, "Am I hurting the baby?"

*Jess took him to a playgroup and the kids all went around and said their names and something they were excited about. Cal said, "My name is Cal. And I'm excited about the new baby that's in my mom's belly."

*He announced (before I was announcing) to his whole sunday school class that I'm having a baby.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baby Names

As some of you know, Eric and I made a silly bet about a food in front of some of his co-workers. He lost the naming rights to this baby. Afterward he said, "Well, I'm assuming you will still keep my opinions in mind when you are making this decision. That's what I would do."

He still does not like any of my names: Penelope, Veronica, Rose and Margot. It's very sad.


Last week was the worst morning of my life. I had major... um, digestion issues and was stuck in the bathroom for three hours. Thank God it's all over now. I'm also thankful that:

* a lady from church who is currently unemployed was here playing with the kids.
* my friend, Laura, came by with some drug store necessities.
* Eric was able to come home unnecessarily when I thought he had to drive me to the hospital.
* my midwife gave me some liquid magnesium to take daily so that I will never be in that position again.

I'm traumatized and may need therapy. But for now, you all get to hear my ramblings.


Eric and I ended up choosing the midwife and the birthing center that I linked to below. We are still not absolutely sure that we won't have this baby at home (Eric is denial about that one) but it's most likely it will be at the b.c. since it's probably much cheaper.

We are meeting with them for our first appt (besides meeting her) this Friday. I'm very excited. She's a Dr. in nutrition so I know I'm going to hear all sorts of great advice. And then have to apply it.