Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Calvin the big brother

Calvin has been so sweet during this pregnancy. He is so excited about this next baby and talks about it all the time.

*Whenever he sees a baby toy, he asks if it's for the baby or says, "I bet the new baby will like this. We can save it."

*He cuddled with me the other day but quickly sat up after a second and asked, "Am I hurting the baby?"

*Jess took him to a playgroup and the kids all went around and said their names and something they were excited about. Cal said, "My name is Cal. And I'm excited about the new baby that's in my mom's belly."

*He announced (before I was announcing) to his whole sunday school class that I'm having a baby.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I bet he will be even sweeter if it is a girl!!
