Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last week was the worst morning of my life. I had major... um, digestion issues and was stuck in the bathroom for three hours. Thank God it's all over now. I'm also thankful that:

* a lady from church who is currently unemployed was here playing with the kids.
* my friend, Laura, came by with some drug store necessities.
* Eric was able to come home unnecessarily when I thought he had to drive me to the hospital.
* my midwife gave me some liquid magnesium to take daily so that I will never be in that position again.

I'm traumatized and may need therapy. But for now, you all get to hear my ramblings.


  1. I am so sorry Leah. I really, really hope this eases up soon for you!!! Thankfully, you had friends who could help!

  2. I could march right up there and hug you right now, I know EXACTLY what you went through!! Been in that position many times with both pregnancies and it's terrifying, not to mention exhausting, haha...so glad you got through it. ;)
