Monday, February 15, 2010


So much to say, so little energy to do it. I'm still not feeling well even though I'm 15 weeks along. But I don't take the Zofran every day so that's good. I'm eating tons of protein- I'm supposed to be eating 80 grams a day, but usually am getting between 60 and 75. It's been tough since eating in general isn't very fun.

I had the flu on Saturday and spent the afternoon/evening barfing up everything I consumed- including 7-up. The flu combined with pregant-woman-needing-food-in-her-body added up to be quite miserable. Eric took care of the family and house while I layed in bed for the majority of 21 hours.

I've been "sleep-eating" as my friend's husband, Joe, put it. My midwife suggested that when I can't fall back asleep in the middle of the night, I should eat a pb sandwich. So now I have a tupperware next to my bed that I frequent regularly for a protein fix. I gotta say, it works! I hope it doesn't start a bad habit.

I'm starting to grow out of my clothes and am in an awkward stage- maternity clothes don't quite fit me, but my slutty tight regular pants are way too uncomfortable. So... fleece pants every day is working just fine for now.

I still want to put up Cal and Ike's birth stories. Soon.

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