Monday, January 4, 2010


Life is good. And it's getting better. But a week ago, when I was wallowing, here are the things I no longer cared about (and some I still don't):

- My clothes- I've been wearing the same fleece pj pants and Wheaties sweatshirt for three days straight. And no bra.
- Cleanliness - I keep putting the same socks on.
- Laundry - a good reason why I keep putting the same socks on.
- Grooming- My lack of eyebrow maintenance has made me look quite similiar to a gorilla.
- Seeing my friends - this is not a bash to you. This just shows how extreme this has become. Me not caring if I see others? What the heck?
- Chores- My main man has been showing his love by going above and beyond in this area.
- Eating - It's getting better. I think I'm up to about 1000 calories a day. Food is soooo gross to me right now.


  1. Hey friend,

    I could have written each of these posts. The apathy. The strange newness and seeming UNnaturalness, the pros and cons, etc. Sadly, the only thing that made my nausea better was eating... so I probably gained the 7 pounds you lost. :( I DO hope you are feeling better soon. Persistent nausea is so waring and draining... makes it hard to have mommy energy. I am excited to be prego with you AGAIN!

  2. Thanks for the support, Lisa. I wish you were here!

  3. I am here for you, I am so excited for your baby and your expanding family! I love pregnant stories so you can always talk to me about them! Hug you lady!

  4. Leah, that was so me with this last pregnancy. Really, the only thing I held onto was that feeling so cruddy was a sign that everything was good. Oh, and I really, really loved the smell of lavendar. Some essential oil in a bath did wonders.
