Monday, January 4, 2010


Here is what I'm currently taking in my pregnant state:

Women's multi-vitamin (since the prenatals made me sick)
Folic Acid (so baby doesn't get Spina Bifida)
Unisom (sleep-aid plus anti-nausea)
Vitamin B-6 (anti-nausea)
Magnesium (since I haven't pooped in 5 days)
Zofran (a prescription anti-nausea)

I'm amazed at how UNnatural pregnancy is for being so.. organic. How did the women in the past do it without all these drugs and supplements? Before I started taking the Zofran, I lost 7 pounds in 4 weeks and was eating possibly 500 calories a day. Now that I'm taking it, I am still barely eating 1000 calories a day.

I keep telling myself that the misery is temporary. I'm 7 1/2 weeks along and I'm guessing I will be feeling crappy until about 14 weeks (since that's how long I felt sick with my second).


  1. It feels like it will last for-ev-er when you are in the midst. Hang in there! And add sour gummy worms to your list. I found sour to be so helpful in the first trimester (that and ditching prenatals!). Then in a couple of months you can add Tums and prunes. ;)
