Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby Update

Since I still don't know what midwife I'm going with, I've been seeing the doctors that delivered Ike. They recommended an ultrasound since we weren't exactly sure how far along I am. I thought I was 9 weeks last week, but they heard the heartbeat and that's rare. So today, I went in for the ultrasound:The little thing protruding from the face is not a growth- it's her hand that she was holding up to her head. Isn't she sweet? We saw her little heart beating. She was sleeping for a bit of it.

It looks like I'm 11 weeks along- not 10! I'm so thankful that I'm one week closer to feeling better!

The reason I'm calling this baby a "she:"
- I've been ridiculously sick and am even feeling awful taking Zofran. What's up with that? My boys did not beat me up this way.
- According to the new due date (8.10), this is a condom baby. Female sperm are much more resiliant.

They did give me a 3-d picture but I'm ignoring it. She looks lumpy, boxy and alienesque (after all, she IS only 9 weeks old!).


  1. How sweet! :) Yay for being 1 week farther along than you thought. Hopefully that means your 1 week closer to feeling good, too.

  2. She is beautiful! I am so sorry that you are still feeling pretty crummy. Hang in there! I hope it eases up soon for you!

  3. Isn't amazing to see and hear the heartbeat? I am so glad you're a week closer to feeling better. Hang in there!!!

  4. You make me smile, and so does that sweet baby!!

  5. A "female sperm"? Very interesting.
