Sunday, January 10, 2010


When I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago to get Zofran for my nausea, she specifically told me that I need to worry less about nutrition and more about calories- since I just wasn't eating or drinking enough. That made me happy.

And since getting on the prescription, I am slowly able to eat more food. This weekend, I even ate enchilidas, raw yellow peppers with hummus, and peanut butter (I couldn't eat pb all through my pregnancy with Ike- it's just too potent).

This baby prefers empty carbs, however, so my main source of calories is Doritos. I've also enjoyed bagels, pastries, muffins, chocolate covered pretzels (could really use some of those right now) and more Doritos.

I'm pretty sure I am at a healthy caloric intake right now, even if most of those calories are bad. I keep thinking that when I feel better, I'll start eating better. After all, I don't naturally eat this nasty. Really.


  1. All I will say is interesting. Although, if a doctor told me that, I would run from the office, but hey, that is just me. By the way, I am sure you are aware that a side affect of Zofran is constipation??? Take as little as you can and DRINK those fluids!!! When I was preggo with Kenna and couldn't eat anything the first 24 weeks (that's how long it lasted with me) my midwife told me not to worry just make sure that what I did eat was healthy (and try to get in that protein). Of course you usually make up for the calories during the second trimester and on. And the empty carbs make you fat, not the baby. Just ask my butt :-) I am glad you are able to eat more though!!! (Sorry, nutrition during pregnancy is a soapbox issue for me)

  2. Ha! The midwife we are probably going with is really into nutrition so I'm pretty sure this won't last long.

    But just so you know, I couldn't eat ANYTHING. I was puking up everything from raw carrots to chicken to eggs to pizza to clementines. So I think she was worried that I wasn't getting enough calories (which I wasn't).

    And I've been eating prunes and taking magnesium to help with the pooping.

    And I still haven't gained any of my weight back, thank you very much Doritos.
